

普利斯设计集团 普利斯设计集团placedesigngroup 2022-09-11
While we have been unable to remove our masks completely, our desire to socialise and connect with others in open spaces is stronger than ever, which has compelled us as professional place creators to reconsider the value of public space, and what it might mean to our communities in the future.

普利斯设计集团布里斯班事务所规划设计副总监 Stephen Smith 相信街道和公共空间是城市公共生活的灵魂。Stephen 是澳大利亚规划协会昆士兰州分会的前任会长兼主席。他广泛从事城镇和城市公共领域和开放空间的功能和设计,在澳大利亚拥有总体规划、城市设计和策略规划领域的丰富经验。
Stephen Smith, Planning and Design Principal in Place Design Group’s Brisbane Office, believes that streets and public spaces are the heart and soul of public life in cities. Stephen is the immediate past President and Chair of Urban Design for the Queensland Branch of the Planning Institute of Australia and works extensively on the function and design of public realm and open space in towns and cities, with experience working throughout Australia on a range of master planning, urban design and strategic planning.
Stephen 的近期项目包括麦基滨水区总体规划、卧龙岗海港总体规划、铸造厂改造,以及罗克汉普顿铁路货场总体规划等。
Examples of Stephen’s recent work include the Mackay Waterfront Masterplan, Wollongong Harbour Master Plan, The Foundry in Runcorn, as well as Rockhampton Railyards Masterplan.  


Mackay Waterfront Masterplan



Wollongong Harbour Masterplan



The Foundry, Runcorn



Rockhampton Railyards Masterplan

在物理隔离期间,我们的公共空间正比以往任何时候都承担着更多的社区联系功能,成为我们的社区客厅。Stephen 和我们分享了他的洞察,谈论我们如何缺少了“人的解决方式”,并正通过身边的街道、公园和公共空间寻求更多的联系。
In times of physical separation our public spaces are working harder than ever to carry the load of community connection. They are the living rooms of our neighbourhoods. Stephen shares his insights on how we have all missed our ‘people fix’ and are increasingly seeking the connection through our streets, parks and public spaces around us. 


Now More Than Ever: The increasing value of our parks and open spaces

INSIGHTS PIECE – Stephen Smith | Planning and Design Principal

洞见 – Stephen Smith | 规划设计副总监

从我的房子向外望出去可以看到一个运动场,当地人称其为“The Flats”. 这其实并不是一个公园,而是属于一个私立学校的。但是这个学校一直让社区的人们使用这个地。

My house overlooks a sports field which the local community calls ‘The Flats’. It’s not a public park, they are owned by a private school, but the school doesn’t stop the community using the space.

在对抗疫情、保持物理隔离的这段时间,却有更多的当地人在使用这块场地。通常,我会在第一缕曙光出现时就跳下床,带我的狗(Billie Jo)到马路对面,这块地方就是我们的了——也许还有几个像我一样坚定不移的常客。
In this time of dealing with a pandemic and physical separation I have never seen the space more heavily used by locals. Normally I stumble out of bed at first light and take the dog (Billie Jo) across the road and we’ll have the space to ourselves – except for maybe a few other diehards who are regulars like me.

But not anymore, the space is busy from sunup till sundown.

I have read with interest some articles suggesting that the work from home transition that has taken place all around the world will be a continuing phenomenon. I doubt that’s true and don’t think it will be an ongoing trend.

William Whyte 在其出色的短纪录片《城市小空间的社会生活》中说得最好:“最吸引别人的正是别人。”
William Whyte in his excellent short documentary entitled the ‘Social Life of Small Urban Spaces’ said it best –“what attracts other people most it appears is other people”.

People are social creatures; we like being around other people. We are physically evolved to work as a cooperative society living in close quarters and living life as part of a community. Much of our communication – our facial expressions and body language – is nonverbal and it relies on being physically present with other people.



And now with workplaces closed, gyms shut, cafes, hotels, pubs and places that we would normally get together and socialise all gone, I suspect we are all looking for a bit of connection – we are missing our ‘people’ fix. Which means the only place we are getting it from are the streets, parks and public spaces around us.

Never before have our parks and open spaces been so needed as places where we can connect with the people in our community. People are keeping their distance as required, but we are still communicating and engaging with our neighbours. There are more hello’s than ever before, more smiles and nods, more dogs being walked, more kids on bikes, scooters and skateboards. In a time of physical separation our public spaces are working harder than ever to carry the load of community connection. They are the living rooms of our neighbourhoods. And instead of watching the television we are satisfying one of our other human needs and that is our need for belonging.

If there is an ongoing legacy that comes out of this pandemic let’s hope it is that we don’t undervalue and underestimate the role parks and public spaces play in community life and connection. When all else fails our public spaces play a vital function in the wellbeing of community.

As a planner and urban designer, we always look to mark the centre of our neighbourhoods in some way. Perhaps it's time we envisaged new neighbourhoods with a park as its centre – as the place for community focus and social interaction rather than some form of commercial or community facility. A place that is the centre of our community, physically and functionally. That is egalitarian and where everyone is welcome.




